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Connecting the dots

Achieve agile security to support your business transformation

Gain control over an increasingly complex environment

Today, IT teams and security teams are facing decentralized and heterogeneous points of control.

Users access multiple applications in multiple environments from multiple locations, making it more difficult to secure, control, track and manage security.

How do you connect the dots?

A full lifecycle approach to help you face the new reality of users and applications

To the cloud

Secure access to the cloud with zero trust for any user, anytime.

In the cloud

Protect your cloud and container environments from misconfigurations and policy violations.

For the cloud

Monitor, detect and respond to real threats across multi and hybrid-cloud environments.

To the cloud

+2.500 cloud experts working together

You can focus on your business, enabling a trusted digital space.

European anchorage with a global footprint

You are protected and compliant no matter where you are located.

Threat research & intelligence is part of our DNA

You can focus on what matters, achieving better security outcomes.

Joined network and security expertise

You can benefit from our combined expertise with Orange Business Services

+2.500 cloud experts working together

You can focus on your business, enabling a trusted digital space.

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.