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Business Continuity

Limit your downtime costs. How to survive an outage?

Sooner or later, your organization will face downtime. It could be due to ransomware, strike, technical failure, pandemic, etc. Downtime involves direct costs (e.g., temporary loss of revenue) and indirect costs (e.g. reputational damage and ransom fees. To avoid this, you should keep the interval between downtime and recovery as short as possible. Knowing the total costs involved is important when determining priorities to invest into recovery and prevention solutions. An effective Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and an appropriate IT Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) are essential.

We help you establish your BCP and IT-DRP:

Your current situation

We determine your current situation based on BCP and DRP Maturity Scorecards in accordance with ISO standards 22301 and 27031.

Business impact analysis

Business impact analysis brings clarity regarding what the impact would be on the applications and different parts of the organization.

GAP analysis

This will reveal the difference between business requirements and IT capabilities. These deviations can vary depending on their size and significance.


Based on the collected data, we can create a roadmap which defines actions: short, medium and long term and adds priority.

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Facing cyber incidents right now? Contact our 24/7/365 word wide service incident response hotline.  

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We support you throughout the entire threat lifecycle



Anticipate the latest cyber threats and prevent digital risk.



Identify your risks and prepare your security strategy.



Protect your organization with the right technology and expertise.



Detect cyber attacks through analysis of alerts and behavior anomalies.



Respond to cyber attacks with proper containment and remediation plans.


Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.