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Orange Cyberdefense Live! 2023

A full day of cybersecurity preparation - Ahead of the threats

To stay ahead of the storm, one has to know the weather. And for long-term planning, it is essential to get expert insight into climate changes.
Though the cyber threat landscape appears to be volatile, fast-changing and chaotic at first glance, it is driven by systemic forces. Interpreting these forces will result in better, more effective prevention, detection and response.
That is why intelligence is at the heart of everything we do.

Divide and conquer
Learn best practises and hear from experts and a company that has been breached. To be able to secure our digital society we need to learn from each other, using a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy to grow our cyber security defence.

Technical evolution
Technology is still developing. Although we focus on strategic and operational security, the technical platforms have never been better. With a Zero Trust approach we see a paradigm shift to better handle the risks we observe.


For all cyber security practitioners: an agenda for your convenience:

Presentations will be held in either english or swedish. 

Sign up here!

The event is fully booked, please register to be put on the waiting list

When registering, you will choose which of the 4 tracks you would like to attend. If you change your mind and want to pick another track you can do so by updating your registration. 

Registration takes place via the Confetti tool, confirmation email comes from


When: October 11
Registration and coffee 8.30
Ends: 16.00
Where: Posthuset 7a, Vasagatan 28 Stockholm

Morning sessions - Know the enemy, know yourself

Intelligence-led security 

Intelligence is what makes the difference: understanding the threat landscape and cyber climate is the key to making the right investments!


Security Maturity for All Ages

Anecdotally, the amalgamation of offensive and defensive security is the fastest way to make progress towards an effective and mature cyber security capability. When red meets blue, understanding becomes increasingly true. The problem is, these teams don't naturally work together. Rather, there is often some animosity between the two resulting in suboptimal outcomes. In this talk we'll explore the benefits of purple teaming and how it can effectively improve your cyber security posture, no matter your current “age”.

People centric approach to Security

Modern attackers have pivoted to targeting people. A simple internet search can tell them all they need to know about who has access to the system or data they are targeting. In addition, the insider threat is greater than it ever was with 40% of Swedish employees admitting to taking corporate data to their next role.

Attend Proofpoint keynote to learn how external criminals and insider threats continue to reach new levels of success and how you can defend against data loss while driving down operational complexity.

A journey from ADB-security to AI-threat!

Tommy Morin works as CISO/CISSP at Collectum. He has over 15 years of experience in IT security work and the journey towards Cybersecurity, at different levels, and more than 30 years of experience in IT.

13:00 Afternoon sessions - 4 Tracks for deep dive


Mastering the art of offensive and defensive security

As one of Black Hat briefing’s longstanding training partners, our courses have taught thousands of students about the art of offensive and defensive approaches.

If you want to understand how criminals run hacking campaigns, and emulate them, this session is for you.



Detection capabilities – what does it mean in the real world

There is no best type of threat detection. Each category can support different requirements and approaches depending on the business need.

As your attack surface increases, you need the combination best suited to your needs.

We present some best practices straight from the experiences of our CyberSOC.



Zero Trust Security model – paradigm shift

ZeroTrust: “Never trust, alwaysverify” – is the guiding principle in the Zero Trust architecture approach.

SASE changes the future of network security. Learn why you need a true cloud-native SASE architecture.

Microsegmentation: Learn why this is an emerging security best practice.


Ahead of the risks - with strategic security

Join this strategic round table session led by our Governance Risk and Compliance Manager and a Senior Advisor from Radar

Discuss how geopolitics affects us and how to assess the risks, improve your defences, and plan your cyberattack response.

In this session we have limited seats, to be able to discuss and collaborate around the specific topics.

Sign up here!

When registering, you will choose which of the 4 tracks you would like to attend. If you change your mind and want to pick another track you can do so by updating your registration. 

Registration takes place via the Confetti tool, confirmation email comes from


Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.