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Imprivata provides secure access for identities by enabling effective, efficient, secure, and compliant access and management for the systems, applications, and data that providers need to deliver quality care. Orange Cyberdefense has chosen Imprivata because the solution provides that access with clinical workflows, scalability, security, and compliance in mind. Orange Cyberdefense is committed to extend identity Access and innovate with Imprivata, all in support of customers’ needs – now and in the future.

Why Imprivata?

Imprivata establishes trust and streamlines clinical workflows by offering positive identity, ubiquitous access, and multifactor authentication solutions.

The Imprivata Fields of Expertise

Enterprise Single Sign-on

On average, care professionals log into workstations and applications 70 times a day, entering a username and password each time. Repetitive entry of user credentials frustrate clinicians, obstruct effective patient care, and encourage behavior’s which compromise compliance and patient safety.

Imprivata solves clinical access challenges in one end-to-end solution that incorporates single sign-on, authentication management, simple but secure self-service password management, and virtual desktop roaming. With Imprivata, a single log in per shift allows healthcare professionals to access the patient data they need to deliver secure, quality care.

Imprivata also benefits IT teams. Every interaction is logged, making governance less of a challenge. And self-service password management dramatically reduces the time helpdesk staff lose dealing with password problems.

Imprivata unlocks the full potential of IT investments, leverages future & legacy systems, improves clinical productivity, maintains security, and keeps IT costs down. With Imprivata, clinicians can spend more time focusing on patient care and less time dealing with technology.

Multifactor authentication

Imprivata Confirm ID and Imprivata Medical Device Access together represent a comprehensive identity and multifactor authentication platform for healthcare. The need for holistic, enterprise-wide multifactor authentication in healthcare has never been greater, and Imprivata provides a secure, auditable chain of trust wherever, whenever, and however users interact with the patient record.

Imprivata Identity Access Portfolio

  • Imprivata OneSign – The leading healthcare enterprise single sign-on platform.
  • Imprivata Virtual Desktop Access – The leading virtual desktop access solution.
  • Imprivata Mobile Device Access – Healthcare’s only mobile authentication solution for fast, secure access to clinical mobile devices.
  • Imprivata Medical Device Access – Enables fast, secure authentication for accessing and transacting with patient information on medical devices.
  • Imprivata Confirm ID for Remote Access – A secure and convenient multifactor authentication solution for all healthcare enterprise employees who require remote network access.
  • Imprivata Confirm ID for Clinical Workflows – Improves security and regulatory compliance by enabling fast, secure authentication for clinical workflows such as medication ordering, witnessing medication wasting, CPOE, and others.

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