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GlobalData: Orange Cyberdefense recognized as "Very Strong"


Very strong performance confirmed


Orange Cyberdefense has been rated as “Very Strong” in the 2022 GlobalData Product Assessment Report – Global Managed Security Services.

This retained evaluation was driven by four key points, highlighted by GlobalData:

  1. Orange has one of the more extensive security services portfolios in the world and a deep bench of other resources from which to draw. Among these is one of the world's largest ethical hacking teams with more than 150 experts.

  2. Based on revenues and resources, Orange Cyberdefense is the market leader in France, with the scale necessary to support clients far outside its home market. Orange has a CyberSOC in China that provides support for Western organizations with a presence in the country.

  3. Orange Cyberdefense takes an intelligence-led approach, embedding proprietary intellectual property and links to external intelligence sources into all solutions. Multi-security services capability, especially MSS+MDR, offers customers the ability to consolidate outsourcing under a single provider, resulting in better value and security outcomes.

  4. Orange Cyberdefense is a group-level business and has budget for investment - both tactical (regional acquisitions) and strategic (internal R&D) - strengthening its hand and keeping it on the offensive competitively.

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