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Inzichten uit Security Navigator februari 2024

Op 30 november 2023 hebben we de nieuwste Security Navigator uitgebracht. De 5e editie van ons rapport geeft je door onderzoek verkregen inzichten en is ontworpen om je het 'grote plaatje' van cyberbeveiliging te laten zien.

Onze meest uitgebreide editie tot nu toe omvat: 

  • Informatie direct afkomstig van de wereldwijde SOC's en CyberSOC's van Orange Cyberdefense, evenals het CERT, Epidemiology Labs, World Watch, en gegevens van Orange Business en Orange.
  • Inzichten van onschatbare waarde voor het begrijpen van het dreigingslandschap.
  • Deskundige rapporten en professionele evaluaties met betrekking tot onderwerpen zoals ransomware, OT security en cyberoorlogsvoering.
  • Aanvalspatronen en statistieken voor verschillende bedrijfsgroottes en industrieën.
  • Uitgebreid onderzoek naar de meest ingrijpende gebeurtenissen van 2023 en hun toekomstige impact.

Onze Security Research expert en een van de belangrijkste auteurs van dit document, Charl van der Walt, modereerde een panel van cyber experts van Orange Cyberdefense. Tijdens deze webcast werd dieper ingegaan op de belangrijkste trends en meest interessante inzichten die onze onderzoekers en technische experts hebben geanalyseerd en gerapporteerd in dit 180 pagina's tellende document.

Bekijk de webinar


Charl van der Walt
Charl van der Walt
Orange CyberdefenseHead of Security Research

Technical thought leader, spokesman and figurehead for Orange Cyberdefense world-wide, leading and managing the OC Security Research Center - a specialist security research unit within the group that helps us fulfill our mission of being a trusted partner to our customers by ensuring that we identify, track, analyze, communicate and act upon significant developments in the security landscape.

Responsible for using that intelligence and the other data, systems and human resources at the group's disposal to make a meaningful contribution of data and knowledge to the global security community.

The Security Research Center supports the OC mission by providing systems, data, intelligence and material that enable sound decision making by other group units driving growth, demonstrate our knowledge, experience and skill to all our internal and external stakeholders, and ensuring consistency between the messages we portray outwardly and the way our products and services are designed and delivered internally.

simen van der perre
Simen Van der Perre
Orange CyberdefenseStrategic Advisor

Simen Van der Perre is Strategic Advisor at Orange Cyberdefense. After more than 10 years of presales experience in various security technologies, his interest in the bigger geopolitical picture surrounding cyber threats grew. He has been using this knowledge for a number of years now to continuously analyze the cyber landscape and thus assist companies with their strategic choice.

Jort Kollerie
Orange CyberdefenseStrategic Advisor

Jort Kollerie started in IT in 2000 and specialized in digital forensic and biometric solutions for the first few years. From 2012 he started working in the cybersecurity domain with a broad focus on technology and later on managed security services. Jort has been working at Orange Cyberdefense since 2019 and was responsible for, among other things. the team of ethical hackers & consultants and security architecture. Now he is a strategic advisor and works internally and externally with leadership teams to make the best choices to determine cybersecurity strategies for the future. He regularly speaks to journalists, speaks at events and participates in podcasts as a guest. With great enthusiasm and creativity, he explains the need for cybersecurity in a passionate but above all understandable way.

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