Juniper Networks is an innovative network infrastructure vendor specialized in routing, switching, security, wireless and SDN and one of the key-partners of Orange Cyberdefense.
Juniper has a very complete portfolio and includes solutions for:
Orange Cyberdefense is one of the few Juniper Networks Authorized Support Centers (JNASC) in Europe. This has been illustrated by the election of Orange Cyberdefense as Juniper Northern Partner of the Year. In the past, Orange Cyberdefense has also received multiple Awards like Best Regional Partner of the Year in Northern Europe, Best Juniper Networks Partner in EMEA and has also been recognized as a strategic integrator by Juniper Networks.
Moreover, Orange Cyberdefense has achieved and maintained the Juniper Partner Support Services Specialist (PSSS) Status since 2015. Only Elite-level Juniper partners are considered to become PSSS and Orange Cyberdefense is one of the few Benelux integrators that fully succeeded in the program.