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Cybersec Europe | May 29 & 30, Brussels Expo

Defend like a Spartan, Compete like an Olympian

Step into our arena to learn what you need to be prepare your organization against a cyber crisis, and how to prepare for the inevitable. Let’s join forces on this odyssey and become champions of cybersecurity, so you can focus on what’s really important: making your business thrive.

Our Spartans

Cheers to Chaos: Ransomware, Hacktivisme, and a Cold Beer in Hand

Let's delve into the rise of ransomware attacks and hacktivism, where hacking meets activism. Hacktivism blurs the lines between noble activism and malicious cyber exploits, creating complex threats that need urgent attention. Join us to understand the dual role of technology, both as a tool for progress and a weapon for threat.

Theater 11:45-12:15

Save your seat (29/05) Save your seat (30/05)
By Diana Selck-Paulsson, Lead Security Researcher // Security Research Centre
By Jesper Madsen, Head of Vulnerability Operations Center Sweden

Improve the effectiveness of your vulnerability management strategy by leveraging contextualized threat intelligence.

Jesper will delve into how integrating contextualized threat intelligence can revolutionize your vulnerability management strategy. By providing tailored insights into emerging threats specific to your infrastructure, you'll enhance the effectiveness of your prioritization, mitigation, and resource allocation efforts. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate the effectiveness of your vulnerability management and safeguard your digital assets.

Theater 14:00 -14:30

Save your seat (29/05) Save your seat (30/05)

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.