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Hello Cybersec Europe

On May 11 & 12, we were present at Cybersec Europe in Brussels Expo. We were very happy to see you again after this long period of Zero Trust when it comes to health. It is time to move that Zero Trust back to our cybersecurity strategy!

Zero Trust

Mieke Devos, Head of Solution Design gave a keynote session on Zero Trust. She talked about the importance of a zero trust architecture. How to deal with an ever-expanding perimeter, various users and devices requiring access to your data, moving to the cloud, etc. ? And very importantly, how do you ensure the necessary cybersecurity? Mieke explained this in detail.

Download the presentation on Zero Trust

Threat Intelligence

Charl van der Walt, Head of Cybersecurity Research, gave a presentation on threat intelligence.

How to go from artificial to useful intelligence? The cyber threat landscape is continually evolving and at an ever-increasing rate, forcing us to continually redraw the map.

Like many security operations, we at Orange Cyberdefense track security news, social media, and other sources to recognize events and incidents in the security landscape, but we also want to track subtler shifts and trends in the landscape that may illuminate broader issues or impact our medium to long term strategic thinking. This is a difficult thing for humans to do, but exactly the kind of problem that Machine Learning algorithms should be good at solving.

In this presentation, Charl revisited the value of intelligence in a fast-changing world and described how we at Orange Cyberdefense organize and apply our intelligence efforts. He outlined our requirement to track longer-term trends and described our efforts to apply Topic Modelling and Natural Language Processing to the task. He briefly explained the algorithms and tools used and shared samples of our data and results to illustrate the concept.

Finally, he examined the findings surfaced by our work and highlighted a valuable selection of trends and hotspots that this work has brought to our attention!

Download the presentation on intelligence

Next up:

In October, we will further elaborate on threat intelligence during Orange Cyberdefense Live. We will adapt the program to your specific sector. You can already pre-register here.


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