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Catherine Boddy

Bettina Nyberg

HR - Denmark

The job of HR Manager is important to business success. People are our most important asset and as the HR Manager I´m the one who ensures that we have a happy and productive workplace where everyone works to realize our mission and objectives. Promoting corporate values and shaping a positive workculture is a vital aspect of my job. 

How we should build a safer digital society?

I create a work environment that leads everybody to go an extra mile for our customers and our colleagues everyday. 

What #NoBiasInCyber means to me:

In our professional life, biases can be destructive and can trigger us to make decisions that are not objective. In order to attract and retain talent, we are creating an organization that should be a diverse, engaging and inclusive culture where all employees are recruited and promoted based on their abilities, and everyone gets equal space and opportunity to grow - we hire for personality! 


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