Securing next-generation campus networks (Aruba Networking)
Securing next-generation campus networks (Aruba Networking)
28th of NovLegacy backups were built for natural disasters, not cyber attacks. So why are organizations still trying to defend against cyberattacks with legacy backup tools?
Most organizations are not prepared to recover from a cyberattack. Relying on legacy backups to protect your data against cyberattacks could leave you dealing with the aftermath for months and cost your organization millions of dollars.
Learn how to find and eliminate weaknesses in your security posture and simplify your security footprint, so you can find threats sooner and recover faster.
Securing next-generation campus networks (Aruba Networking)
Securing next-generation campus networks (Aruba Networking)
28th of NovThe SASE journey. How to cope with the new way of (hybrid) working? (Fortinet)
The SASE journey. How to cope with the new way of (hybrid) working? (Fortinet)
14th of DecPlatform play cuts crisis detection & remediation time, just like a fire brigade (Palo Alto Networks)
Platform play cuts crisis detection & remediation time, just like a fire brigade (Palo Alto Networks)
7th of DecBackup is not equal to cyber recovery (Rubrik)
Backup is not equal to cyber recovery (Rubrik)
30th of NovZero Trust and Fabric – how to minimize the impact and blast radius (Extreme Networks)
Zero Trust and Fabric – how to minimize the impact and blast radius (Extreme Networks)
12th of DecWhy you keep struggling with reducing your vulnerabilities - Qualys
Why you keep struggling with reducing your vulnerabilities - Qualys
5th of Dec