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Digital robustness: Amplifying cyber recovery with generative AI

In today's digital era, cyber resilience is crucial. Insights from Rubrik Zero Labs highlight a significant need for advanced cyber recovery strategies, with 94% of IT and Security leaders reporting major cyberattacks within the past year and 60% expressing concerns about sustaining business continuity during such events. The complexity and variety of cyber threats necessitate sophisticated and comprehensive responses. 

This presentation delves into the transformative potential of AI-Powered Cyber Recovery. By utilizing generative AI, this approach provides organizations with precise, context-aware guidance, detailed task lists, and customized workflows to navigate intricate cyber recovery scenarios effectively. Such enhancements aim to minimize uncertainty and bolster decision-making during cyber incidents. 

Attend this session to explore how AI can revolutionize your organization's approach to cyber resilience, ensuring effective protection and rapid recovery from cyber incidents. 

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