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Workshop EU-CH Cybersecurity Regulatory Landscape: a case study of incident notification according to LSI, NIS2 and DORA

We are pleased to invite you to our exclusive workshop "EU-CH Cybersecurity Regulatory Landscape: a case study of incident notification according to LSI, NIS2 and DORA" designed to help navigate cybersecurity regulations in Switzerland and the European Union.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Understand regulatory requirements for timely incident reporting and develop actionable compliance strategies.
  • Identify non-compliance risks, including penalties and restrictions.
  • Enhance your knowledge through a practical case study featuring a Swiss-based IT service provider.

The session will be led by professionals in information security, offering a unique combination of legal and technical expertise for a practical and insightful approach.

Additional Information: This workshop is conducted in both French and English. Participants may select their preferred language session, as the content is identical in both. 

*This event is intent for clients and invitees only

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