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Whitepapers & Reports

Knowledge is power!

In this section you can find a large selection of high-quality research papers, intelligence reports and whitepapers. Use the opportunity to learn about new threats and technologies, get updated on best practices and find actionable advice.

Cy-Xplorer 2024


Whilst commonly referred to as Ransomware, we define “Cyber Extortion” (Cy-X) as a form of computer crime in which the security of a digital asset (Confidentiality, Integrity, or Availability) is compromised and exploited in a threat of some form to extort payment.

Download the Cy-Xplorer report to learn more.


Security Navigator


Your primary source of first-hand information on Cyber Defense, 2024 edition. 180 pages of first-hand information, statistics and expert analysis to get an overview of what is going on in cyber.

Get your copy here!

Executive Navigator


To help you extract the key findings that are relevant for you, we present this Executive Navigator 2024. It delivers insights for strategic decision-making, based on research findings, for non-executive board members, CEOs, CFOs and CIOs.

Get the advisory report.


Incident Response Hotline

Står du overfor en cyberhendelse akkurat nå?


Kontakt vår globale 24/7/365 tjeneste incident response hotline.