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Orange has zero tolerance towards corruption

We want to build tomorrow's digital world as a trusted and responsible company.

We are committed to building a healthy business environment that is delivered with integrity and in line with our Company's Code of Ethics; as part of this we adopt a policy of zero tolerance to corruption in all of our business activities across the Group.

This policy applies to all of us, including those who act on our behalf.

All management must take an active leadership role to create a culture where corruption cannot thrive and is unacceptable in all forms.

This Policy must be communicated widely, promoted strongly and supported with excellent training initiatives in order to ensure it is thoroughly understood and complied with by all.

Zero tolerance towards corruption

Incident Response Hotline

Står du overfor en cyberhendelse akkurat nå?


Kontakt vår globale 24/7/365 tjeneste incident response hotline.