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GDPR compliance assessments

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has set a standard for data protection across Europe. This has introduced a number of challenges for businesses.

However, this regulation should not just be seen as a nuisance. It is a chance to reach a higher level of maturity in data protection. This new awareness and the required processes and technologies will not only protect the personal data of your customers. It enables you to protect all of your data more effective. In the end businesses can profit massively from this implementation.

The purpose of the GDPR readiness assessment is to identifying key requirements in relation to privacy and information processing for the GDPR.

Get more secure with the GDPR

Complying will help you understand the dataflow and breach risks better and improve your protection

Non-compliance is expensive

Fines can be as high as 4% of global turnover

Identify key areas of risk

Data loss is not only a GDPR-risk. Preventing leakage will protect your reputation, vital business information and intellectual property

Expert advice

Skilled security- and dataprotection professionals will guide you towards reaching compliance with the minimal required effort and optimal ROI

Amateurs assume, professionals confirm

The assessment is conducted on site, by a data protection expert. The consultant will assess your business processes against the current legislation and provide professional guidance and advice where risks have been identified.

  • Improve your understanding of how data protection law will affect your business
  • Understand where you are in relation to accommodating the GDPR
  • Understand your use of data, who has access, and where it resides on your network
  • Revise or introduce plans to bridge the gap from where you are to where you need to be
  • On-going measurement and management of compliance to GDPR regulations

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