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Ecovadis Silver Medal awarded to SecureLink Sweden

Ecovadis Silver Medal awarded to SecureLink Sweden

SecureLink Sweden has been awarded a Silver Level recognition for its Corporate Social Responsibility practices and ranked in the top 25% of companies evaluated by Ecovadis. EcoVadis operates an international platform to assess the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of suppliers in respect to environment, labour practices, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

Corporate Social Responsibility’s main actions are that businesses should:

Support and respect the protection of Labour & Human Rights. Ensure they are not complicit with any abuses in their operations and seek to eliminate of all forms of forced labour

Promote equality and elimination of discrimination in regards to employment

Take responsibility for all environmental impacts of the business

Adhere to ethical business practices, including anti-corruption measures, whistle-blower mechanisms and responsible marketing.

  • Extend this responsibility to their sustainable procurement, and ensure these principles are upheld by their suppliers, partners, distributors and other third parties.
  • Embrace transparency and report on the company’s progress across Corporate Social Responsibility topics

The EcoVadis platform is designed to help companies better manage and communicate their company’s CSR performance in a clear and actionable way. This score is and will be shared with customers that require such scores from us through the Ecovadis platform.

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