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MicroSOC: the total cybersecurity solution for Belgian organizations

MicroSOC detects, analyzes, and stops threats to provide optimal protection for Belgian organizations.

We have launched our new service called 'MicroSOC'. MicroSOC is an entry-level service based on Palo Alto Cortex XDR, in which Orange Cyberdefense makes knowledge and skills available to face the threat landscape. It is a total solution specifically designed for Belgian organizations. The service detects cybersecurity threats by correlating behavior on firewall, endpoint, and user-identity level. Depending on the severity of a detected threat, Orange Cyberdefense's solution enables automatic action, ensuring that Belgian organizations are optimally protected at all times.

Complete service

While Orange Cyberdefense has long offered stand-alone solutions for all parts of the cybersecurity cycle, such as prevention, detection, and response, we are now expanding our services to include a complete solution. This is especially valuable for Belgian organizations, as limited internal knowledge and time make it challenging for companies of this size to get and keep their cybersecurity at the right level. With MicroSOC, Orange Cyberdefense offers these organizations a combination of its proven services and XDR technology, which completely unburdens them and realizes an optimal state of cybersecurity.

Benefit from the international character

Belgian organizations that opt for MicroSOC also benefit from the international character of Orange Cyberdefense and the knowledge and experience we can offer. For example, Orange Cyberdefense collects and analyzes threat intelligence worldwide about current threats and techniques used by attackers. When these threats or characteristics of attackers are spotted at MircoSOC users, they are automatically detected thanks to this knowledge, after which they can be disabled.

Fast time to value

A characteristic aspect of MicroSOC is its fast time to value. Through the targeted combination of technology and services, which focuses on detection and response, MicroSOC can already deliver added value within two to four weeks. Furthermore, MicroSOC has been developed for Belgian organizations but designed so that, depending on its maturity, it is possible to connect additional technology and services to it.

Emmanuel David, Technical Director at Orange Cyberdefense: "XDR technology is around for some time now, but like any threat detection subject, it still requires available experienced resources to make most use of it. Being able to provide a Managed Threat and Detection (MTD) service will enable our Belgian customers to leverage the technology companies already invested in in the most efficient way. The fact that flexible approaches are possible, combined with optional offerings like CSIRT make it really attractive for our Belgian company landscape."

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