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Kaja Knoph

Kaja Knoph

Team Leader Crisis Management - Norway

My role is to ensure that we have the best prepared team and organization to support our clients within Crisis Management. We specialize in conducting Crisis Exercises, Crisis Readiness Assessments and support our clients with the necessary Crisis Management Framework.

How we should build a safer digital society?

Together with my team we help our clients proactively on crisis preparedness. Ensuring they have an established crisis organization, procedures, and capabilities. Furthermore test, review and evaluate those plans to improve their resilience before a crisis occurs.

What #NoBiasInCyber means to me:

For me, No Bias In Cyber means that regardless of gender, race, age and background everyone is given an equal opportunity and benefits based on abilities, skill and initiative.


Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.