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Managed DDoS Protection
Managed DDoS Protection
Get in touch with us

Ensuring reliable online services

Any organization relying on its online presence or public-facing infrastructure must defend against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can interrupt business-critical services and act as a smokescreen for other cyber attacks.

Protect your company’s activity

Ensure that your resources remain available to your customers, partners and employees

Protect your brand image

By avoiding the buzz that follows an attack


Focus on your business

Stay calm in the face of attacks and benefit from a trusted partner’s expertise for your protection

Managed DDoS Protection, a complete solution to protect businesses from all types of DDoS attacks

Your benefits


Real time adaptation to the attack and short lead times for analysis and remediation (between 0 & 30 mins)

Peace of mind

Protection of your activity and image, no disruption


Of your resources and Internet access, of your employees who work undisturbed, of our teams 24/7


Thanks to trained experts, safe and secure industrial processes, and continuous communication with you

Incident Response Hotline

Står du overfor en cyberhendelse akkurat nå?


Kontakt vår globale 24/7/365 tjeneste incident response hotline.