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Managed Threat Intelligence
Managed Threat Intelligence
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Transform complex threat data into effective security

Be the lighthouse, not the life boat

As cyber threats grow in complexity and frequency, many organizations find themselves overwhelmed, reacting to incidents instead of anticipating them.

Intelligence-led security flips the script. It empowers you with actionable insights to navigate risks, adapt to the unknown, and make confident decisions. With the right threat intelligence, you become the lighthouse - guiding your organization safely through the storm - rather than the lifeboat, struggling to rescue what's already in danger.

Choose intelligence

Why is intelligence-led security the way forward?

Orange Cyberdefense comprehensive Managed Threat Intelligence services are designed to equip organizations with the tools and expertise necessary to protect against these dynamic threats.

By combining real-time monitoring, proprietary intelligence sources, and expert analysis, we ensure your business stays one step ahead of cybercriminals. Driven by our knowledge of the threat and our attention to your needs, our security approach allows you to make the right decisions. So you can: 

  • ensure operational continuity and resilience for your business

  • prioritize risks, allocate resources effectively and stay compliant

  • adopt a proactive and scalable strategy to ensure sustainable growth while mitigating risks

Turn intelligence into value

Simply integrate our threat intelligence with your security infrastructue

  • Out-of-the-box integration with common Firewall and SASE vendors
  • MISP & STIX format for integration with your XDR, SIEM, SOAR or TIP
  • API for IoC Lookup and Search

A powerful portal to understand your threat landscape

  • Threat Landscape dashboard
  • Comprehensive threat search and
  • Dynamic & custom IoC Feeds
  • Extensive threat library
  • GenAI-powered threat searches

Reports & feeds to gain strategic insighs

  • Strategic threat advisories
  • Proactive threat briefings
  • Vulnerability alerts
  • Browser extension

Intelligence-based solutions designed to meet your needs

No matter your business objectives, tech stack or security maturity, our Managed Threat Intelligence solutions are designed to meet your needs through different levels of service: 

  • Operational Intelligence provides high confidence indicators of compromise and detailed data about threat executions to prevent attacks before impact.
  • Tactical Intelligence provides detailed information about malicious tactics, techniques and procedures to improve the qualification of threats and reduce the noise of your security operations.

  • Strategic Intelligence provides you with an overview of your threat landscape and support your business decisions, risk management and security posture improvement.

Why Orange Cyberdefense Threat Intelligence?

Adopt a comprehensive approach

  • Vulnerability analysis
  • Creation of threat intelligence bulletins
  • Development of our proprietary threat intelligence platform

Benefit from real-time monitoring

  • 3.000+ experts worldwide
  • Over 140 CERT experts worldwide continuously monitoring threats, vulnerabilities, and attack trends
  • 24/7 Crime fighting team

Leverage our unparalleled expertise

  • First private CERT in Europe
  • Over 18 years of expertise in vulnerability monitoring
  • Trusted partner for major international clients

Contact us

Incident Response Hotline

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