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Being a SIEM Specialist in the Netherlands

Gita is part of our MSIEM team in the Netherlands. This is what her daily life looks like.

Why did you choose to work in cybersecurity?

Working in IT for over ten years, I realized that most of the times customers are quite concerned regarding their privacy and security. So, as I like to help people to achieve their goals and fulfil their needs, I chose to move into cybersecurity. Another reason for working in cybersecurity is that it is evolving constantly and it brings new challenges to work on every day.

What are your missions at Orange Cyberdefense?

I work as a SIEM Specialist, especially for our customer who chose a managed SIEM services. MSIEM is part of our CyberSOCs. We deliver our SecureDetect MSIEM services towards our local and global customers. My responsibilities include monitoring customers’ devices, managing incidents, connecting log sources, alert flow and give advice if needed. As a SIEM Specialist I also provide reports to our Service Delivery Managers collected data from our customers, urgent cases and analyses attached. I also work with an international team, with colleagues from the Netherlands and from other countries as well as Sweden, UK, Denmark, Belgium and Germany. I work closely with our Security Analysts, also part of the CyberSOC. My main goal is to make sure that our SIEM systems and servers are performing as expected. Additionally, my role includes maintenance, upgrades and installations of the SIEM systems.

What is your everyday life like?

Each day, I like to start with a good cup of coffee. Then I check my emails, I review updates on the current and new cases, prepare the daily catch up we have as a team and plan the day. Some days, I get urgent cases or calls from the customers or from other teams, so I have to respond quickly.

What are the needs of our customers in terms of MSIEM in the Netherlands?

As in any other business, our customers are looking for the best SIEM solutions. They need to customize the software, and sometimes, our help to do so. Some customers need quick responses, some do not. I do my best to provide the best services, to adapt. Sometimes, it requires to go for the “extra mile” but at the end of each project, it is worth it.

How do we address them?

The first step for us is to understand the client’s needs. Every customer is looking for quality and trust and this is why my team and I emphasize on the service provided by responding quickly, addressing issues as soon as possible and if needed, also be of guidance for businesses that are lost in the process or require better explanations.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to do the same job as you do?

First of all, to work in a managed SIEM team, it is very important not only to have a technical mind, but also to be creative, have a positive attitude, be a real team player and be open to changes.

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