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Black Hat USA 2024

The biggest infosec event is coming!

Are you ready for it? 
This year, for the 22nd year in a row, our SensePost Training team will be at Black Hat USA in Las Vegas, ready to level-up your skills.

With six different courses to choose from you'll definitley find the one for you. 
Come learn from our expert team members and hear some awesome stories from the field, all while having the opportunity to get your hands dirty in our real-world simulated lab environments.

Our trainings are extreme fun and made for everyone who loves pwning things unnecessarily hard.
See you there! 

Our course at Black Hat USA 2024: 

2 Day Courses (3-4 August 2024): 

2 Day Courses (5-6 August 2024): 

4 Day Courses (3-6 August 2024): 

Why our courses are great: 

  • No hyped up technical content that doesn't add value
  • No death by powerpoint sildes for a whole course
  • No sharing of lab access with other people in the training
  • No dedicated trainers with limited in the field experience

What we actually offer: 

  • Technical content grounded in the methodologies we follow and the work we do for customers all over the world
  • Practical driven learning with the help of guided tasks and challenges
  • Individual lab access for each person joining for the duration of the training and a week afterwards
  • Experienced ethical hackers and red team members who most likely only completed their last project before they got on the flight to Las Vegas

We are really looking forward to seeing you at Black Hat USA. 
We'll make it fun and we'll all hack hard! 


All our trainings

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