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World Watch Report: May 2021

At a glance

In the month of May, our researchers from the Security Research Centre, Charl van der Walt & Wicus Ross, presented their talk “All Your LAN are Belong to Us. Managing the Real Threats to Remote Workers.” at RSA Conference 2021. Supporting materials, including a comprehensive solutions whitepaper, are available for you.

Hot topics in May:

  • Consequences of Ransomware: DarkSide shuts down Colonial Pipeline
  • Ransomware and Cyber Insurances: Fuelling the fire?
  • Zero-days: Pulse Secure SSL VPN, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Android, and Adobe Acrobat.
  • VMware releases security fixes for critical vulnerabilities
  • Cyber Security and Governments: US-President Biden issues executive order
  • Light at the end of the paper: new “Good News Cyber” chapter

Find these topics and many more in our 30+ page monthly report on cyber security!


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