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Epidemiology Labs

Strategic Threat Intelligence made by Orange Cyberdefense

Join the Orange professional threat intelligence community!

Cyberdefense appears to be an unfair game. While defenders have to tackle a serious workload of more or less complex attacks, hackers only need one successful shot to succeed.

There is only one way to keep up with the pace of attackers: to join forces.

This is why we have launched the Orange Cyberdefense professional threat intelligence community initiative, where we share the research of the Orange Cyberdefense Epidemiology Labs and other research teams. So you can get the intel you need to better fight off the next wave of attacks which will inevitably come.

From experts for experts

Information is everything, and our research team is the professional source you have been looking for. You will receive:

  • insights from the biggest provider of cybersecurity in Europe
  • includes information from our CERT, CyberSOCs, Orange’s internet backbone
  • detailed investigations into cyberthreats in specific industries, countries and sectors
  • actionable advice from industry-leading experts
  • backgrounds and trends analysis you need to know
  • in-depth research, reviews and forecasts, curated and checked in our research labs

You can find some of the published intel-reports as download below!

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.