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The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity
The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and the NED: Oversight, perspective and experience

The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity
The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity

Security and the CEO: Frame the cyber-mission - and bring everyone with you!

The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity
The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and the CFO: Assigning resources in a complex threat landscape

The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity
The C-suite's guide to cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and the CIO: A widening remit that touches all corners of the business

Find advisory in this paper, backed by research findings

Insights for the NED: 

  • Bringing a fresh perspective to the board
  • Helping the company navigate new geopolitical risks

Three insights to drive business for the CEO: 

  • How to devise the right strategy for deploying generative AI – and defend against it
  • Transforming your business on a base of resilience and sustainability
  • Adjusting your presence in certain markets and reconfigure supply chains

Three topics CFOs should be aware of: 

  • Ways to upskill finance to maximize cyber investments
  • Manage risk while driving value
  • Embrace the evolving CFO role

Three strategic angles on securing business for CIOs:

  • The top priority should be cybersecurity
  • Ways to address the new GenAI landscape
  • Manage the growing IT skills shortage


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Plan, spend and respond better with accurate data and insights

Security providers like Orange Cyberdefense as well as other research organizations, like market analysts, provide a plethora of data and research.

To help you extract the key findings that are relevant for you, we present this Executive Navigator 2024. It delivers insights for strategic decision-making, based on research findings, for non-executive board members, CEOs, CFOs and CIOs.

Download the report here!

Let's talk business on cybersecurity

Ready to further discuss these topics with key decision makers in your organization? Get your personalized board briefing here!

Our consultants will facilitate a workshop with your team, ensuring aligned awareness for a cohesive security strategy that mitigates risks and supports business objectives.

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