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Monique Adlerborn

Monique Adlerborn

Global Operations CISO - Sweden

Being responsible for and leading Information Security in Global Operations as well as heading up our own ISMS for our Managed Security Services (MSS), I ensure that Orange Cyberdefense achieves a sufficient level of compliance and security in accordance to world leading information security standards and industry best practice for our MSS Services. 

How we should build a safer digital society?

Organising the security for our Managed security services for our CSOCs, CERT and SOCs, which deliver huge value to our customers and ourselves, which in turn contributes to a safer digital society and makes me super proud of everything I and our teams achieve. 

What #NoBiasInCyber means to me:

It is important to address gender bias in cybersecurity and promote diverstity via various initiatives such as education, awareness, recruitment practicies, promotion and promoting woman in leadereship roles. These can in turn encourage more woman and unrepresented groups to enter the field. By taking these steps, we can work towards creating a more diverse and inclusive cybersecurity industry. 

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.