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Cy-Xplorer 2023

Your #1 source for expert insights on cyber extortion

  • Over 2,100 organizations around the world became victim of cyber extortion in 2022. 
  • 96 different countries have been impacted by cyber extortion (Cy-X) in 2022. That means half (49%) of all countries in the world have been victimized by Cy-X (and those are only the countries we know of).
  • 50% of the countries impacted by Cy-X, are in the top 30 of countries with the most businesses. 
  • Phishing remains the top initial attack vector, closely followed by exploiting vulnerabilities and bruteforcing open RDP. 

When bits turn to blackmail

Orange Cyberdefense's Security Research Center and the CERT have been tracking cyber-extortion (Cy-X) activity for the last years and recently noticed a shift in the criminal ecosystem impacting new countries and industries. 

Download our Cy-Xplorer report to learn more.

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Changes in victim count by region

Cy-X ecosystem, threat actors and rebrands

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