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Financial Services & Insurance

The finance industry is facing unprecedented challenges

Trust is the main currency

The whole industry operates in providing, selling and buying trust. Sponsors trust their investments to be safe, financiers trust their beneficiaries, customers trust their insurances. Once trust is lost it is hard to gain back.

Meet compliance, protect data and secure business operations

Dealing with new competitors, stricter regulations, and customers looking for a better and easier digital experience, financial institutions need to be agile and innovative to secure their assets and continue to generate revenue.

Download our Finance Fact sheet

Finance Cyber Stories: how safe is your data in the cloud?

Episode 1: how safe is your data in a cloud world?

We all know that moving to the cloud improves speed and agility. But it also comes with security challenges.

How to get cybersecurity up to speed with your multi-cloud strategy?

Grab a cup of coffee, and watch episode 1 of our Finance Cyber Stories to find out how a financial services company is addressing the issue of compliance and protection of sensitive data in a cloud environment.

Security Navigator 2022: explore some key findings for finance and insurance industry

  • Finance continues to have a higher amount of confirmed Social Engineering Incidents than the majority of other sectors, in particular confirmed Phishing attempts.
  • This year, we have also detected Denial of Service attacks against this sector. No other vertical had as many confirmed DoS attacks as this one.
Download our Security Navigator 2022

Finance Cyber Stories: are you prepared for a ransomware crisis?

Episode 2: are you prepared for a ransomware crisis?

Even if it is not often mentioned, financial institutions are targets for ransomware.

What can financial players do to stop and prevent ransomware?

In episode 2 of our Finance Cyber Stories, take a deep dive into each step of a ransomware attack and discover how a financial player will respond to this crisis situation.

Download our White Paper "Beating Ransomware"

Know yourself, know your enemy

R&D and intelligence-led at the heart of our DNA to help you anticipate and better understand the threat


experts dedicated to innovation and threat research


of our pentesters' time is dedicated to research


publications and articles presented at cyber conferences last year


days in advance entries can be seen versus other sources

2 500

unique TI entries not known to any other source


CVE's assigned to us by MITRE

Finance Cyber Stories: can you fight cybercrime alone?

Episode 3: can you fight cybercrime alone?

Malicious actors identify their targets’ vulnerabilities and gather all the intelligence required to breach the most sophisticated systems.

This can lead to a loss of trust, reputational and regulatory risks for financial services companies. An intelligence-led approach is crucial to anticipate and make the good decisions in the face of the evolving threat landscape.

In episode 3 of our Finance Cyber Stories, find out how a sophisticated fraud can damage the revenue and the brand reputation of a finance player.

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Fight smarter, not harder!

To get ahead of the storm, one has to know the weather. And for long-term planning, it is inevitable to get expert insight into climate changes.

Though the cyber threat landscape appears to be volatile, fast-changing and chaotic at first glance, it is driven by systemic forces. Reading these forces will result in better, more effective prevention, detection and response.

That is why intelligence is at the heart of everything we do.

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.