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Security Navigator 2025

Get the Navigator here!

This is your number one source for professional insights on key information about cyberdefense. It's never been more important to stay informed about the cybersecurity landscape.

The report is available in English and French.

Research-driven insights to build a safer digital society

  • 100% first-hand information from the operations and research teams of a leading Security Services provider.
  • Invaluable insights into the threat landscape
  • Expert reports and expert reviews on topics like Cyber Extortion, Vulnerability Management, Hacktivism
  • Attack patterns and statistics for different business sizes and industries
  • Analysis of the most disrupting events in 2023 and what to expect in the future
  • Find these stories and many more in the Navigator!
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Some vibrant stories from the report:

  • 45 pages of statistics on key data of the year
  • Ransomware/Cy-X observations from Dark Net surveillance
  • Observations from CyberSOC, World Watch, Pentesting and Vulnerability Scanning operations
  • Score-cards for regions and industries
  • Pentesting and CSIRT stories
  • Security deep-dives into OT Attacks, Law Enforcement, Hacktivism and False positives
  • Security predictions: addressing five key areas of security that will shape the trends next year

Funnel: 129,395 incidents ▶ 25,076 confirmed security breaches

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