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ISH Certificate “Advanced Network Security”

Delivery: Classroom // Duration: 3 Days

This course is about the realisation of IT Security on the level of network infrastructure. Usually security is implemented at single points of a network (eg. at firewalls or on important servers). The perspective from a network infrastructure often is not taken care of. The growing complexity of Network structures brings along many risks for secure traffic and high availability. You will learn what kind of dangers there are on a network level and how efficient security measures can be implemented.

Our trainer, Christopher Werny, has many years of experience in different provider environments and in managing big enterprise networks – and running them securely. Basic network knowledge and“ TCP/IP.

Learning Objectives

  • Current trends and methods of network security
  • Which areas of network security you should look at
  • Why you shouldn‘t neglect them

Target Audience

  • IT Security Officers
  • Project Managers with a network security focus
  • Auditors
  • Adminstrators with a security function
  • Network provider
  • Telecommunications provider
  • Network product vendors

Course Content

  • Security problems on a topology level: 
    • Zone model
    • Security classification
    • Segmentation
  • Typical security problems of Ethernet: 
    • Sniffing
    • ARP Interception
    • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
  • Wireless LANs: 
    • Attacks and Counter measures
    • Up-to-date technology
  • Security in Enterprise Networking: 
    • Typical securityproblems in large networks
    • House of Security
    • Typical measures and their prioritization
  • VLANs and Security Aspects: VLAN-Hopping: VLANs with Authentification
  • Control Plane Protocols: Impact on Security 
    • Spanning Tree
    • CDP
    • HSRP
    • VTP
    • DTP
  • Security of Routing Protocols: 
    • RIP
    • OSPF
    • EIGRP
    • BGP
  • WAN / Remote Access: 
    • GRE
    • IPsec
    • Attacks against VPNs
  • Security of Network Devices: 
    • Services
    • Functions
    • Modules
    • Access Control (RADIUS, TACACS+,Kerberos)
    • 802.1x based Access Control
  • Secure Management: 
    • Security problems of SNMP
    • Functionality of SNMPv3
    • Logging & Log Analysis
    • NTP
  • Transport Technologies: 
    • Security Consideration
    • MPLS Security Functions
    • VPNs with MPLS
    • EoMPLS
    • L2-MPLS
    • L3-MPLS
  • Voice over IP: 
    • Security aspects and attacks
    • Isolating VoIP using MPLS
    • VOIP Hopping
    • SIP Attacks
    • H.323 Attacks
  • Multicast: 
    • Securing Multicast-Traffic
    • Multicast vs.IPsec
    • SRTP

Pre-Requisite for Course Registration

Basic knowledge of networks and TCP/IP

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