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Security Consulting

SensePost assessments

Security consulting addresses the niche need organisations have when it comes to cybersecurity. Ethical hacking is not simply an aggregate of different types of assessments: it is the actions organisations take to pro-actively identify vulnerabilities in their security posture which would give rise to business risk.

In taking action, the first step is often not to simply perform an external or internal assessment, but rather to have a meaningful and deliberate conversation with the aim of understanding requirements. This is an even more important conversation at incubation of a new service, infrastructure, application or similar.

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Key Benefits

  • Going, being, talking: To use an example, we prefer to not stop at advising that strong passwords should be used, and then giving some examples. Instead we test the implementation to understand the cause of what could result in a weak password.
  • You are getting the facts: Interaction with a real-world hacker, who understands what it means to circumvent security controls enables you to leverage that knowledge and perspective to implement effective architecture and defences.
  • Systems thinking: For example, configuration reviews go beyond the review – it looks at the implementation of that configuration to validate whether the configuration, within the ecosystem, is effective.
  • Reduced risk: Comprehensive reviews increase the chance of finding any security issues before a hacker does.
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