Operational Technology (OT) is everywhere around us and the digital revolution progresses across all industries. Especially in production, OT systems were traditionally thought to be “protected” by an air-gap separating them from the highly connected (and thus highly vulnerable) IT-world.
This is no longer the case as IT/OT convergence, which has already progressed for quite a while, was accelerated by the increasing use of IT technologies in industrial systems. This fusion brings with it a completely new world of benefits, efficiency, and flexibility. But it also opens plants, shop floors, production facilities and vital infrastructure to the darker world of traditional IT threats.
According to a study conducted by Forrester and Fortinet, a few of the main challenges are:
The convergence is accelerating as more and more solutions are Ethernet based, virtualization is also getting more important, many OT devices are using standard software.
Critical infrastructure professionals have many security concerns, including emerging risks from Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) devices and the need for compliance.
The typical organization has not deployed a strategic, integrated approach to OT security, deploying multiple technical point solutions on different timelines instead, and in some cases, relying on third parties.
Organizations tend to find themselves stuck in a reactive stance toward security, and as a result, the vast majority have suffered breaches in their industrial control systems (ICS).
of production sites do not have any protection of their industrial work stations.
of industrial plants have a direct connection to the internet.
of industrial plants run on outdated operating systems.
out of 320 companies know they have been hacked at least three times.
international and national regulatory standards have to be followed (NIST SP800, Guides ANSSI, IEC 62443, ISO/IEC 27000 etc.).
Dedicated support according to your activity sector in order to set up a strategic, integrated security approach.
A hybrid team: OT/IT experts dedicated and specialized in industrial systems security.
A worldwide presence allows us to support you wherever you are and at any given time 24/7/365.
A place dedicated to our customers to test and validate their security solutions in a real-life environment, to raise awareness to cyberattacks and to train both OT and IT staff.
A portfolio adapted to address both stakeholders: IT and OT.
We are ready to construct a secure environment with you. So if you have any questions or would like to know more about how we can pupport you, please do not hestitate to contact us!
To get ahead of the storm, one has to know the weather. And for long-term planning, it is inevitable to get expert insight into climate changes.
Though the cyber threat landscape appears to be volatile, fast-changing and chaotic at first glance, it is driven by systemic forces. Reading these forces will result in better, more effective prevention, detection and response.
That is why intelligence is at the heart of everything we do.
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