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Design & implement

Look at that wonderful new technology, look at all the possibilities.

How do you get the full potential out it? How can you create synergy with your existing architecture?

Organizations spend enormous amounts of money on security technology each year. Many do not, however, spend the time and effort required for properly designing and implementing the products. Reasonable security may be obtained, but great security potential remains unavailable for so many.

We’ve been around the block

By utilizing our technology experts, organizations get solution designs and implementation projects that meet the requirements of business and IT. Relevant features are enabled, security products are integrated with other technology components, and synergies are obtained. In addition to a higher return on investment by proper design, Orange Cyberdefense ensures hassle-free implementation projects, with solid technology implementations and knowledge transfer.

Realizing potential

Security is only relevant if it provides the appropriate level of protection for the organization, safely enabling the business. This means that all security solutions must be designed and implemented correctly, taking into account synergies and potential overlaps in functionality. With optimized designs and fully enabled functionality, businesses can realize the full potential and maximize return on investments.

Value without the hassle

Within Design & Implement, Orange Cyberdefense provides

  • Solution architecture 
    • Optimized solution designs, enabling relevant functionality and integration synergies
  • Security technology experts 
    • With the highest product certifications from both market-leading vendors and cutting-edge technologies, Orange Cyberdefense technology experts guide and assist customers in design and implementation
  • Project management

Project timelines, budgets, people and processes are equally important as technology. Orange Cyberdefense’s solid experience from managing cross-organizational security projects give customers confidence and free up internal resources.

Contact us

Make your project a success:

Fight smarter, not harder!

To get ahead of the storm, one has to know the weather. And for long-term planning, it is inevitable to get expert insight into climate changes.

Though the cyber threat landscape appears to be volatile, fast-changing and chaotic at first glance, it is driven by systemic forces. Reading these forces will result in better, more effective prevention, detection and response.

That is why intelligence is at the heart of everything we do.

What experts recommend

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline!