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COVID-19: Implications for cybersecurity webinar

 - remote

Examining the crisis within the crisis

Earlier this week we published a comprehensive paper sharing our take in respect to cybersecurity during COVID-19 global crisis.

In the paper we examine how cyber-threat actors are trying to capitalize on the global health crisis by creating malware or launching attacks with a COVID-19 theme. However, this kind of exploitative behavior by the cybercrime ecosystem is only one part of a bigger cybersecurity picture.

In this mood of fear, uncertainty and doubt, there is an appropriately elevated level of threat awareness, but also an exaggerated level of anxiety.

Charl van der Walt, Head of Security Research at Orange Cyberdefense, hosted a webinar on Tuesday April 14, to express our united effort as Orange Cyberdefense to share our knowledge, insights and experience regarding what we think about cybersecurity in the heat of this current COVID-19 crisis and in the post COVID-19 world that hopefully isn’t too far away.

View the recording

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