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Prepare to enter an exciting world of hacking in the surreal landscape of Switzerland.

Join us at the ever-growing Insomni'hack event happening this April. 

We're thrilled to offer two of our practical-led flagship courses. 
If you want to level-up your OSINT game, need to improve your information gathering skills or have ever been curious about intelligence operations then our "Exploring All the INTs" course is ideal for you. 

We also have our famous Modern Wi-Fi Hacking course on offer. This course will provide you the theory and practical skills to master any wireless network for fun and profit. 

Join us in Lausanne to enhance your skills, have a some fun, and pwn various things.
We'll see you there!

Take the next step and register on the Insomni'hack website for our courses. 

Courses on offer: 

23 to 24 April 2024: 

  • Exploring All the INT's

  • Modern Wi-Fi Hacking

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline!