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Webinar: Endpoint security & incident response

 - remote

What did we think was going to change with COVID-19?

Missed the webinar? No stress, we recorded the discussion for you!

With an unprecedented adoption of work-from-home paradigms by businesses worldwide, IT and security teams have scrambled to stand up new systems and processes and then left to assess the impact of this dramatic new reality on threat, vulnerabilities and risk overall.

But, how much has *really* changed for security?

What specifically are the new challenges and what should professionals be thinking about as work-from-home becomes the new ‘normal’?

In truth many of the dire predictions made at the start of the crisis have proven to be a little exaggerated. What does seem clear is that a large scale and permanent remote work paradigm does present a new set of challenges for certain key security practices, specifically Remote Access, Endpoint Detection & Response, and Incident Response.

In this interactive webinar session, you can participate in a free-flowing conversation among established experts with on the ground experience in deploying and managing endpoint security solutions. The discussion will be moderated by regarded cybercrime journalist Geoff White and will consider the scope of the problem (if there really is one), before exploring case studies, examples and experiences our experts have from the field and finally examining what an emerging best practice for these disciplines could look like. What did we think was going to change with COVID, and did those changes actually happen?

Who makes up this expert panel?

  • Charl van der Walt- Head of Security Research

  • Geoff White – British cyber-crime investigative journalist and author of Crime Dot Com.

  • Marcus Bengtsson – CTO Orange Cyberdefense Sweden

  • Thomas Eeles – CISRT Manager Orange Cyberdefense Group

  • Magnus Stenlund – Security Solutions Architect and Endpoint Security Specialist, Orange Cyberdefense Group

  • Grant Paling – Product Manager, Global Service Lines, Orange Cyberdefense Group

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