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Orange Cyberdefense People responding to cyber threats

Managed Vulnerability Intelligence [identify]

Staying on top of vulnerabilities

Take advantage of intelligent vulnerability management

A recent study we conducted, revealed that 56.8% of vulnerabilities are taking between 31 and 180 days to get patched, 14% take longer than six months. A quick analysis of CVE sources shows that ~1500 vulnerabilities are published on average each month.

Smart patching required

To protect business-critical assets and ensure compliance, a company needs to identify, prioritize and mitigate the most relevant vulnerabilities before cybercriminals exploit them. Systems, services, applications, and threats constantly change. So vulnerability intelligence needs to be an on-going process as well. Regular scheduled scanning is an effective way to manage vulnerabilities.

Off-the-shelf vulnerability scanners can hamper network availability, and burden security teams with false-positives, or reports either too vague or too detailed to be actionable. Also, the deeper insight and global overview of the attacker ecosystem to identify the context-based real criticality is missing. Enter Managed Vulnerability Intelligence by Orange Cyberdefense.

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Discover Managed Vulnerability Intelligence [identify]

Continuous visibility of vulnerabilities rapidly identifies attack targets.



The Orange Cyberdefense cloud-based Managed Vulnerability Intelligence [identify] services ensure you have experienced analysts armed with industry-leading tools on hand to identify, classify and prioritise weaknesses as needed.

Without interrupting business-as-usual, we provide meaningful intelligence on verified vulnerabilities and the best route to remediate or mitigate against them via clear, personalised reporting.

Moving to a risk-based model rather than being simply driven by volume-based CVSS score fixes is key to making your vulnerability management programme a success.

Your Benefits:

Experienced analysts and industry-leading tools to make your vulnerability management programme a success

Complete Asset View

Have confidence that you have a view of all of the assets that exist that constitute your attack surface.

Scan everything

Whether it is network infrastructure, web applications or endpoints, we extract an accurate view of your vulnerability and associated risk data.


Bringing all of that data together and enriching it with threat intelligence and customer-focused context, we report both tactically and strategically on your attack surface.​

Guided Remediation​

Once you have all the data and the ability to visualize it in a way that reflects your true business risk, our experts give you guidance and advice to produce smart, risk-based remediation decisions.​

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Incident Response Hotline

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Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.